Birthday Reminder Bonuses

Price Bonuses

Because we just released the second version of SS Birthday Reminder with a lot of new features, you can purchase it for a very little price.

But this offer ends soon. Only if you buy SS Birthday Reminder until April 30th you will get it for this price. Make sure you don't miss out the deal.


Do you want to be famous? You have now the chance. Your details can now be in the default contacts list when somebody installs the SS Birthday Reminder for the first time! This means that thousands of people will know when is your birthday, further more, you can leave your contact information and maybe some messages for people who will see you in the list. Send us an email after you purchase license for SS Birthday Reminder with subject "Celebritymania" which contains:
1) date when you purchased license
2) SS Birthhday Reminder Personal Code
3) the details you want to be added in the default contacts list (only decent content)
and we will show it to thousands of people like you. Happy Birthday!

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